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  1. The Let’s Play Music curriculum is centered in the teachings of the music masters: _____________________, ____________________, and _________________________

  2. What is the “Music Window”? (the ages that a child’s brain is wired for musical aptitude) _____________________

  3. Music educators have long taught that a child learns best through __________________, _____________________, and ____________________.

  4. How old is Let’s Play Music this year? ___________________

  5. In what LPM Semester do students write their own composition? ___________________

  6. What ages is Sound Beginnings for? _____________________

  7. Name 2 of the 7 foundations of the Sound Beginnings curriculum:          _____________________ and _____________________.

  8. Presto is an accelerated version of the Let’s Play Music Curriculum geared toward the older beginner. Children ages _____________________ who have had less than _____________________ years of consistent piano experience will benefit from this awesome curriculum!

  9. List at least one advantage of group lessons over private instruction:       _____________________

  10. Who is Let’s Play Music Bridge for? _______________________

  11. List at least 3 other academic areas that are benefited by a solid music education: _____________________  _____________________  _____________________

  12. When your child graduates from Let’s Play Music, they will be well prepared to excel at:

    1. Piano

    2. Voice

    3. Any other Instrument

    4. Composition

    5. All of the above!

Making Musicians Trivia

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